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AutoCAD 2009 FR

I'd like to create a new hatch pattern in either AutoCAD 2009 or AutoCAD 2010, however I couldn't understand some points: after adding a new pattern into the acad.pat & acadiso.pat hatch files, it didn't appear in the Other Predefined tab when activating the HATCH command... Maybe the above acad.pat & acadiso.pat hatch files should be loaded first... but where from can the loading be executed? Please advise how new patterns could be activated.

AutoCAD 2009 FR

I am running Autocad 2009 on Windows XP for a project. The application was installed a temp license was provided until our standalone licenses came in. When the new license came in I was informed to uninstalled and Reinstalled Autocad 2009 so the new serial number would take. Problem is it took but didn't reset the license. Currently whenever the application is launch it gives the following message "Your license has expired. You can no longer use this product.". We verified in the registry the serial number is up to date not sure about the product key. Not sure what else we can do.

Rinstalled autocad with new serial number and product key on two different machines and still receiving the error messag even though the new serial and product numbers are valid. Can't get to re-activate or activation screen the application gives the error message and it shuts down.

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