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When asked about the difficulty of the game and accessibility over in the PlayStation Blog, Miyazaki tried to clarify regarding what the Dark Souls games are really about, before revealing why Miyazaki hopes Elden Ring won't stress players out like his previous games.
"I think our strategy for these games, not only Elden Ring, is to create them in a way that encourages players to rise above adversity," he said. "We do not try to force the player to be difficult or make it hard just to make it easier. We encourage players to employ their wits, learn about the game, remember the game's rules, and learn by making mistakes."
We don't want players think that the game is unfairly punishing them, but instead that they have a chance to prevail in a tough game and progress. We recognize that Souls-style games often come with extremely difficult levels of difficulty and the high barrier to admission. However, we strive to design the games in a way that makes the process of constantly trying to conquer these obstacles fun in its own right. We hope that, by using Elden Ring and the new options it offers it is a hit in this regard.
The new possibilities, as mentioned in earlier interviews, will provide more opportunities to sneak around in a stealthy manner and avoiding bosses and enemies and also going and exploring another part of the world after being stuck in one place. Miyazaki has also confirmed that summoning in multiplayer will be easier to access this time around, offering players more opportunities to Elden Ring Runes for sale summon backup players to assist them during particularly difficult times.
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